
Cutting-Edge Technology for Safety – AIS Secure+

In just a few months, COVID-19 has wholly altered our way of life, no matter where we live. As the novel coronavirus has ushered in unprecedented norms of living in the 21st century, social distancing has become the normal.

Now, the world is slowly going back to normal, albeit with masks, gloves, and physical distancing. To keep their customers and employees safe, many industries are putting new measures and practices in place. A common practice many are adopting is the increased use of glass in offices, shops, and other establishments.

Safe and Sanitized Spaces with AIS Secure+

To ensure safe interactions between people, businesses such as retail stores, hospitals, pharmacies, and others are increasingly using glass barriers. At AIS Glass, we have quickly responded to this growing market need. As the largest integrated glass manufacturer in the country, AIS has consistently been innovating over the years and providing solutions to businesses, institutions, community and the society at large. Keeping comfort, convenience, and safety at the heart of our products, we’ve launched AIS Secure+, a novel partitioning concept that facilitates social distancing without compromising on the aesthetics and ergonomics of a space.

AIS Secure+ is a safe and durable tempered glass that limits the spread of infection in your space. Available in glass thickness of 8 mm, 10 mm and 12 mm, It is easy to install, clean, disinfect, and maintain. AIS Secure+ offers a secure yet interactive way to hold in-person dealings. This aesthetically appealing range can be customised according to the style and décor of your space. What’s more, you can reconfigure open spaces into private ones, making sure its occupants remain safe and minimise physical contact.

AIS Secure+ Applications: Safeguard Your Space

AIS Secure+ is designedto safeguard a variety of public and private spaces:

  • Cash/enquiry/shop counters
  • Reception desks
  • Work spaces
  • Dining/café tables
  • Office cubicles
  • Malls and entertainment stores
  • Banks
  • Hospitals
  • Educational institutions
  • Restaurants
  • Retail showrooms
  • Hotels

Let’s see how AIS Secure+ can be used in some spaces that see a high degree of physical interactions.


At AIS Glass, we’ve kept the changing needs of the workplace at the heart of our latest technology. When employees come to work, their safety must be paramount. With AIS Secure+, workplaces can ensure sanitary conditions through glass dividers and screens between workers. These are especially required in open seating layouts where several workers sit in proximity. Glass partitions should also be used at the office reception, an area that sees a high footfall. AIS Secure+ can be easily retrofitted to existing desks and office spaces. What’s more, it is customisable according to the needs of a space, and adds to its aesthetic appeal. Make your workplace absolutely safe, stay stress-free and address your social distancing needs with AIS Secure+.

Grocery checkout

At a supermarket, a high-contact area is the checkout line where people stand in close proximity. Even when customers follow social distancing rules, they still have to make contact with the cashier at the counter. Retail stores can secure their checkout counter and minimize person-to-person contact by installing AIS Secure+ glass partitions and creating a physical barrier between the cashier and the customer. This will protect people against hazards such as coughing and sneezing, thus creating a safe transaction environment.


Hospitals see a high footfall of staff, visitors, and patients in a day, many of whom come in close physical contact with each other. Thus, hospitals have to place an even greater focus on the health and safety of employees and patients. AIS Secure+, a safe and durable tempered glass, can be used to reduce the spread of the virus. Glass panels can be installed at the reception, cash registers, and point of purchase terminals at the pharmacy to protect the staff and visitors.

Some businesses require a more decorative solution – recreation areas in a workplace, between restaurant tables, the waiting area at a salon, etc. AIS Secure+’s focus on aesthetics and a wide range of customisable options make it perfect for lending a chic appeal to your spaces, apart from securing them.

Prioritise Health with AIS Secure+

Brought to you by AIS Glass, AIS Secure+’s is designed to protect your space’s visitors and occupants through proper social distancing. This unique architectural partition that makes your spaces look stylish while protecting them thoroughly. You can choose from various sizes and thicknesses of glass, along with suitable hardware, for effective protection. A customisable and durable clear tempered glass, AIS Secure+ ensures visibility without compromising on safety.

To learn more about the options available in the AIS Secure+ range, contact us to discuss your space’s needs.

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